Monday 18 April 2022

Fighting off my sweet tooth...

I know it's bad for me and I've tried to give it up, but to no avail.

The rest of my family gave up sugar while I was away at University - just like that - stopped using it overnight and never looked back. I've found it a struggle all the way through.

When I visited home during Uni I tried to fall in line. I just couldn't do it, everything tasted wrong and I guess I wasn't home enough early on to go through those cold turkey moments in kicking my habit. So, to this day I'm the one who takes sugar. Addicted to sweetness you might say.

Now, it's not like I haven't tried other ways, cutting down or using sweeteners. The result is always the same - sugar cravings and the cracking of brittle willpower. 

All of which brings me to ...

Month 4 - Bite 18

Give up adding sugar to drinks.

The plan goes like this... from now on the first step has to be sugar in tea and coffee. I'll attempt to go without and will buy a backup store of sweeteners for when I'm feeling a bit weedy about the taste. 

My other main use of sugar is to sweeten my porridge. No, I won't be going the whole hog and using salt instead! I might, though, take to honey if I need it and fresh fruit to add some sweetness.

Saving money on sugar will be great for my pocket, but even better for my health - perhaps I'll adapt that as a mantra to convince myself.

No to sugar is yes to cash and health, no to sugar is yes to cash and health, no to sugar is...

Well, we'll see - it's worth a try...

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