Thursday, 1 February 2024

Last Christmas? - What about next Christmas?

Phew - back again, sorry about the pause, but you know how it is?!

Anyway.. In the Getting Sorted stakes Christmas is one of those occasions that I promise myself I'll be all ready for by starting early and yet then find myself chasing my tail as the time evaporates. So, this year I'm going to get going with plenty of time!

I did strike lucky a couple of weeks ago with some bits and pieces I picked up on sale. There didn't seem to be as much around as usual so maybe stock control in the ships has tightened up - or perhaps I'm getting a bit more picky. Still I was very pleased with my haul, especially the kit which I can use as a pattern for multiple decorations. 

The fabric I didn't understand. There was no pattern or obvious Christmassy design to the pack. It was just in green, white and red. I don't suppose anyone will inform the authorities if I use it for any sewing project other than Christmas and it was stupidly cheap so just had to be bought.

I've posted these cards before - they were so simple (thank you internet videos) and quick that I'm aiming to make a number for 2024. 

They also prompted me thinking about other shapes I could use such as heart cookie cutters for Valentine's Day so I've been experimenting. Then I saw some designs like this online too so it looks like I'm well on the way with that task. Just a few final touches - I'll post those after delivery so as not to spoil the surprise if he sees this (he won't, but then again you never know).

Onto other matters, now I've banished my cold I'm trying to back into the swing exercising. After all the doctor was quite approving of what I do - although she did have some added suggestions that I'll have to schedule in. First I need to renew my club membership and get going again. It lapsed while I was snuffing into my tissues and I haven't got back up there yet. Then I've made an effort to put all my swimming gear ready in a bag so I can just grab it and go. Well that's the theory anyway...

I'm trying to kill two Getting Sorted birds with one stone here as I've packed a load of odds and ends of samples of body wash, etc. to take and use up. 

I'll check in next week to see if I've made it!

Oh and over on the Substack this week I decided to publish one of my short stories - someone might enjoy it - take a look and see if you do....

Till next time then.


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