Monday 21 January 2013

Down with Resolutions!

See - so soon into the New Year and my plans to blog on time go straight out of the window! Still - not quite all my fault - I'll have to shift some of the blame onto work - and not complain as it pays the bills!

I've been back and forth to Wales a bit since the beginning of the year so it has eaten into my more craft-y and blogging time....

Anyway, enough of the excuses and on with the show..

First I decided to finish up part of a cone of wool I had hanging around - there wasn't really enough for a decent length of scarf so I joined the ends into a cowl...

Next it was time to examine the stash that I'm trying to whittle down... I sorted out a basket full to live within eyesight to spur me on. All of this lot is handspun that's been washed and is ready to use - everything from sari silk to alpaca all waiting for inspiration. Actually, our Guild has an exhibition at Killerton House in September and I did think that I might make up some items for that. They also sell some examples of Guild members' work so I might even find new homes for some of it too...

Then, looking at some odds and ends I realise that I have NEVER made a blanket - something to do with all that sewing up of squares.. so I thought I'd use up what I'd got, but do long strips to cut down on the sewing up.. now I'm beginning to collect mixtures of knitted pieces on stitch holders until I can put them together. (I thought I'd leave them on stitch holders and then knit all the way along the top to start the border - it should work as long as I don't run out of stitch holders!)

Finally I took a long hard look at some of the alpaca I'd got (and I've still got loads in the loft waiting to be spun). I've decided to go for a throw/blanket knitted on giant needles, well 25mm anyway, using 4 strands at once. I started it on my last trip to Cardiff that included an overnight hotel stay. Something to take back and forth I thought - as long as it doesn't get so big and heavy that it needs an overnight bag of its own!

So now I can award myself a short break and pop over to Handmade Monday - the centenary edition - well done Wendy! That way I can try and catch up on that other promise to read and comment on more of the great blogs featured there...

Who knows, perhaps next week I'll get back on track....


  1. I like the idea of putting yarns from your stash in a prominent place to give you inspiration and the 4 strands of alpaca together looks cosy. It should grow nice and quickly on those needles too :)

  2. Wow - you have been a busy bee :). I am glad that you are beginning to find ways to use the handspun yarn. Fancy starting so many projects all at once. I cannot think of anyone else who would do such a thing!! I look forward to seeing how they all come on :)

    1. It drives everyone I know crazy - I can even find myself starting to read 3 or 4 books and keep them one the go at the same time!

  3. Your cowl is really pretty. I love the contrast of colours. I like the idea if using 4 strands for your blanket very cosy.
    Ali x

  4. That yarn looks inviting as well as inspiring. I like the idea of a stripy blanket.

  5. Lovely cosy knitting - jist right for this time of year! The alpaca blanket looks gorgeous already. happy 100th and keep warm! Jo x
