Monday, 9 October 2023

Right, so why can't I settle to write?

 It's a mystery to me that with all the thoughts buzzing in my head, I'm finding it so difficult to get down to recording some of them! I've also been a bit all over the place with my blood pressure and anxiety, not to mention lack of sleep and have been searching for reasons for it all....

Not my usual thinking space I know, but local enough to use....

I've been taking a bit of a break from being so organised. Trying to go with the flow.. opening the fridge/freezer just before dinner to decide what to have, nabbing bits of time to jot down ideas, not sticking to a rough schedule for housework and so on. I think this might be part of the problem!

I mentioned last time about grouping, sorting and organising (even if putting things away could be a bit of a trial) and now I realise how important my routine, rituals and planning are to me. I'm one of those people who can't work unless their desk space is tidy, not as a delaying move, more a 'I can't operate my brain with all this mess' kind of move. There are those around me who don't see my tidy space as they would like theirs - whatever works for me I say.

Anyway, I've decided to get back on track I need to regroup and refocus in order to get working efficiently (or at all) again. I also think this drifting has left me feeling without control and added to the aformentioned anxiety and blood pressure problems. So, it's back to the roughly planned menus, the cleaned up house and goodbye to the 'I'll wait till there's a pile' ironing and the 'I'll clean up when we've finished this next task' mentality.

With that in mind I'm off to finish the ironing, clean the bedrooms, hang up the washing that's just finished and then, with mind clear, properly plan the forthcoming blog posts, Pinterest boards and Substack..

The creativity black hole might also be due to another little health question - all about hearing aids that one, but I rush ahead here - more later.... Back to the chores.

I'll be back soon with the grand plan all ready and raring to go..

Watch this space!

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