Saturday, 20 August 2022

Bug Safari

 Month 8 - Bite 15

Back outside again now.

Time to become a hunter - your prey will be small and your weapon will be a camera (phone) or paper and pencil.

Go for a walk to see how many bugs you can spot...

They might be decorations in others' gardens ..


Or the real thing in the park or your own patch...

Record what you find in some way and see if you know the name of the creature.
If you don't try looking it up online or try tomorrow's task for some help!

There are also regular surveys and counts that are advertised to help naturalists and other scientists to gauge the health of our bug (and other creature) populations. Earlier this month there was a butterfly count. It's worth looking out for them and many have their own apps or downloadable resources so that you can find out more about your hunted subject...

Of course you could also do a bug safari at home.. and I don't just mean counting spiders hiding around the place. See if you can track down images of mini-beasts on cans, covers and books as well as magazines, comics and toys. They really are everywhere.

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