Monday 5 August 2024

Getting it Sorted - Healthwise!

 Okay, it's been a while - there's reasons for that  - I won't go into all of them. suffice to say that just when I thought I was back on track and ready to go into what the doctor has agreed to (no pills for a while - hooray!) I got shingles so was derailed a bit.

Anyway, I've only got a short (3 month) window to get my blood pressure and cholesterol in check or I've got to seriously consider the doctor's request to take medication. 

It's easier said and done as stress is apparently playing a big role, but I'm going to give it my best shot!

Obviously the first port of call is my weight. Don't get me wrong. I'm not humungously (is that a word) in trouble here. I had been doing well, dropping a stone and a half, when the doctor first put me onto blood pressure tablets. The weight then stopped dead and exercising got more and more difficult due to the side effects of the two tablets we tried! Now I'm off them it's time to really concentrate on slimming down.

Exercise has always done it for me. Particularly running!

Sadly, due to work on our seawall my regular ParkRun exploits sort of ground to a halt as my knees object to running on sand. Along with some time pressures it all got put to one side. Luckily the ParkRun is back to it's usual route, my shingles (let's not go there) have gone and I can grab back my Saturday mornings for this week!

I still get to tennis, but the doctor also wants more strength training. I used to go to dance and martial arts fitness at our local sports club. The class times no longer fit in with what I can do so I was in a bit of limbo. I haven't renewed my membership till I work out if it's worth it just to use the swimming pool - time has been my enemy again there. So, as I had a good time during the pandemic with online classes I've decided to restart those. The package I've picked also has some quick start programmes to try to get you into the swing of it quickly. I did start the initial one until the shingles got in the way. The plan is to begin again at the end of this week when the diary is a bit clearer.

I'll report back on this first element next time - along with my eating plans - I'm still working that one out as the summer is a really busy time for family birthdays and there's just far too many temptations for success. Next week will be a good time to examine how to adjust my willpower there!!!

The other thing that's well and truly slipped has been my making. I haven't got to my spinning group in ages and I've been too tired to concentrate in the evenings. I did manage one or two bits though...

Birthdays mean cards and mini presents so that gave me the kick I needed to get these done...


I've also managed to keep up my SubStack contributions. I did think that was going to sink without trace as well as so much other 'stuff'. Then I thought I could keep my weekly posting going by being a bit kinder to myself and readjusting my expectations. For August I'm sticking to a photo and a quick message to go with it to give myself a rest from the pressure of regular longform writing till September.

How's that?
Now I've written it all down I feel like more's been moving forward than I originally thought - hooray!

I'll let you know how it all goes.....

Monday 1 July 2024

More sorting for the holidays

 Did I say last time that the mini toiletries and samples needed sorting? Was I ever right?!

I've been through the stock that seemed to be expanding - I'm sure I used all the odds and ends up, but these seem to have been multiplying unchecked somehow.

Sorting through them I've got a selection ready that are truly only one use left and put them in my swim/gym bag. I reckon if I continue to take them with me when I'm off for a workout - which should be more often now I'm trying to follow my doctor's instructions (more of that next time) - I might just use them up and save myself having to buy any more full sizes to take for a while. I'll probably save the little bottles so that I don't have to hump big containers to and fro and save my back and shoulder too!

I suddenly realised before we went away that I'd forgotten to get a coupe of birthday cards and had run out of shop opening times to get any. There was nothing for it but to get creative...

Don't know if I've shown this idea before, in needing some quick cards I dug up an old favourite or two!

They didn't just solve the problem - I got some quiet calm time before the ironing and packing for going away had to start!

That's it for now - just a quick catch up.
Next time I want to get back to big focus ideas - it'll  be about health and wellbeing and I'm being nagged by the doctor about blood pressure pills and statins - neither of which I particularly want to take so I'm supposed to be concocting a plan to present to the GP next week - let's see what I come up with!

Monday 17 June 2024

Sorting for the Holidays...

 I felt bad about getting behind again with posting. I seem to manage to get my Substack musings posted on time, but somehow the blog suffers. I think it might be because I tend to let random thoughts flood the Substack pages, while I feel the need to stick to more of a brief here. Am I right to do that? I don't know. I just know that they feel like two different animals to me and I'm happy with that, so I'm carry on and crave your indulgence!

I opened this blog to find that I started a couple of posts, photos and all, so it seemed daft not to complete them and publish, rather than starting again from scratch. This isn't just laziness or some form of eco-writing recycling, honest. I am going to stick to the focus I wrote about last time. However, there are some mitigating reasons...

Firstly we're off on holiday for a few days next week. That means that although I've done the groundwork on the Etsy shop that I was talking about, it's not the most sensible thing to stock it and then go away so I can't do anything about any orders that I might miraculously get. Secondly, the next area for me to focus on is health. 

I've made a whole load of appointments - feet, high blood pressure review, dentist and was going to pat myself on the back about those, but nearly every one has a knock on which needs exploring further - so they'll keep until after the follow ups and the holiday so I can explore in depth. So for this post and the next I'll use up the drafts I've discovered, which, happily, are linked to the holiday anyway.

To begin with I have finished a bit of making - my creative streak has been on hold of late with one thing and another. It's been confined to watching the Great British Sewing Bee - (OMG I have to try making one of those scrap fabric bags.. I'll let you know if I ever find time to do it. 

Still, here's the project I've finished... hooray.

One of the ladies I play tennis with has a holiday let. She's regularly having to refurbish and refresh the fittings and has of late asked for a hand with recycling the old upholstery into cushions. This time she asked for some cushions, but also wanted a draught excluder too. I've never tried that before so...

Here's the cushion (nothing fancy, just a straightforward envelope design).

And the draught excluder just before I sewed up the final seam.

As it happens it was a real recycling project as we were throwing away a feather pillow that had split and it was the perfect filling for the draught excluder. I think I've just about finished clearing all the loose feathers up - they go everywhere. You can't see them here as I made an inner 'sausage' to contain them within the gingham cover.

With holidays nearing I did have a good look at my make up - not that I've got that much, but some of it is a bit old and really needs disposing of.

It was frightening to see how old some of it was. Not good for my skin or eyes, those items are now in the bin. I don't tend to think of the use by dates on toiletries and cosmetics. I should, I know, and perhaps that explains some of the irritation I've been getting when wearing old mascara!

With a much reduced stock, and all the brushes washed and dried I feel much happier about packing it ready to go away..

Now I'll need to move on to all those mini samples I've got - bet they need sorting too!

Monday 10 June 2024

Focus, focus, focus

 I know I've been trying to get sorted by attacking things in s small steps, random kind of way. Up to now it's been fine, but I'm just getting in a sort of muddle. 

While we were on holiday I took this photo from behind a fountain. It sort of sums up where my head is at! I'm standing in a shady sort of place, peering out at the sunny, organised landscape beyond with a watery obstacle getting in the way....

So, what to do about it. Well, I've decided the only thing to do is to focus.

There are a number of areas I've been hitting on and making a bit of progress, however the time has come for more of a concerted effort.

This week I've been concentrating on clothes. After my last post about selling on those that are no longer in use or refashioning them into something else I paused to empty and sort out all my drawers and wardrobe. I've had everything out and found not one, but two empty drawers for all those unwanted items (and those from the rest of the family) as I list them. That having been done the clothes for recycling into other things are nestling in the loft with the craft stuff ready for when it's time for them.

I will get a chance to organise those bits a little as I've got Sunday to myself, but by and large I'm focussing on getting rid of the surplus first.

There were also a few odds and ends of non-wearable stuff knocking around. There aren't enough books/CDs/DVDs at the moment to make up a box to send off so they have joined the 'sales' drawers. Finally I discovered a box of greetings cards that I'd made over time. Before they can be added to the 'sales warehouse' I need to explore how to sell these. 

I know my sister and I are planning on a craft stall nearer to Christmas, I want though to slim these down sooner if possible. So, it could be time for me to stop prevaricating about my Etsy shop. Grab the design brief by the throat and get on with it....

So, although I've not posted for a while, this is a short and sweet one as I'm about to attack my Etsy shop and get it up and running properly. Once it's sorted I'll be back and who knows I might even manage to organise a link to it so you can see how far I've got!

Thursday 9 May 2024

From One Thing to Another

 It’s nearly time to go away! Yes, the tennis has started in Rome, we’ve got our tickets and there’s only a week left now. It’s been a difficult one to look forward to this year. Leaving behind what’s going on at home with Mum, and that meaning that my sister doesn’t get a holiday at all (not really any break in her day much either) leaves me feeling guilty and yet very grateful that I’m getting the chance.

Sorting my clothes out ready to go has shown me once again that I have far too many that I’ve been holding onto for no real reason. This dress I got when I was working and travelling a lot. It doesn’t crease, packs easily and is really comfortable. I don’t need it now though and as I’ve already been retired for seven years it’s not so new either.

Having had success with other items for the family on Vinted - that’s where it’s going - along with a selection of others that look great, but that are no longer any use to me - or even fit….

There are some clothes though that, having done good service are past their best and are no good for their original purpose.

This skirt is one. 

It’s a lovely,soft, reversible skirt, but has catches and worn patches so can’t be worn. A leisurely scroll through Instagram led me to some simple mini bag patterns and voila…

This is one from the reverse of the skirt and there’s another of these and two from the main body of it! Now I just need to find the patterns and time to turn some of my other cast-offs from one thing to another!

I’ll let you know how it goes!

Monday 15 April 2024

Back on Track to get things sorted

 Okay, so life is re-establishing some sort of normal, albeit a bit different to before Mum went into hospital. I've caught up with cleaning, washing, ironing, Substack posts and all that, although inroads into the ebook I'm putting together and the pile of craft stuff to do remain fairly untouched.

I've started a bit of a digital sort out too. I couldn't find a number of photos and documents and realised that the folders on the laptop, phone and hard drive were in a real state. Having begun reorganising it all I've noticed how much needs decluttering and deleting. I've written all about my intended path through my digital muddle on my Substack so I'll leave out the details. Suffice to say it's taking a while, but is really satisfying. I've begun labelling folders coherently and cleared loads of room on all my storage meaning that my devices seem to be operating much faster!

Of course all that has led to one or two headaches. There's only so much staring at a screen that the body will take. It made me think about the chat with the doctor about health, blood pressure, relaxation and stress. A while ago I had a problem with my feet - too much tennis and not replacing my shoes early enough. I bought a massage ball at the time.

It works like magic. Firstly rolling it around under the balls of my feet released the tingling sensations and went quite a way towards dealing with the pain, then I tried it up and down my calves after tennis and running to massage the muscles - brilliant.

So now I've been employing it around my shoulders and voila! Soreness and much of the headachey feeling have gone...

I did think thought that a break from the screen was in order so I whisked out the sewing machine. For a while now I've been considering doing a series of 'how to' makes or showing how I've recycled one item into another. I'm sure I've mentioned it before. During my digital show down I found lots of photos I'd taken over time of projects step by step. All I need to do now is to find the time to write the instructions! One step at a time though.

Having sorted through a number of mum's clothes that no longer fit her in order to make room in her wardrobe I've got a bag of bits and pieces that weren't good enough for the charity shop/selling online. There were some nice petticoats with the odd mark on them and so I've mass produced a load of scrunchies.

both from the slips and from some spare cotton fabric...

They can go in my box ready for selling at a craft or Christmas Fair later in the year..

Planning ahead - not that's really getting things sorted!

Thursday 4 April 2024

Catching up...

 It's been quite a couple of weeks so I haven't got to posting lately! I do have good reason though with Mum firstly being hospitalised and then re-acclimatising to being home along with decorating the spare bedroom. Still, I was spurred into action by an email reminding me about a forthcoming dental check up and hygenist appointment.

I'm not sure who scares me the most.. the dentist (he's a really nice man, but he wields all the weapons of torture when necessary) or the hygenist (who is really deadpan and issues warnings about bits of cleaning I've missed and I feel like he'll report me to some higher authority).

With that in mind I really should sharpen up my dental routines. I do all the necessary brushing, but the interdental cleaning gets a bit hit and miss. So, as part of my getting sorted with regard to health, I'm making a real effort with my mini brushes and remembering to use them every day.

Hope I get a gold star when I go to my appointments!

I mentioned a little while ago that I'd taught myself to crochet. I did start experimenting with more shaped pieces and thought I'd give socks a go. I bought a how-to magazine, but got in such a muddle with the heel that I had took pity on myself and turned the work in progress into wrist warmers instead!

As it happened there was also enough of the same yarn to make a matching cowl so win-win there!

This post is a bit short of necessity as I'm still catching up with housework, writing, planning and so on left over from the time it takes to hospital visit when the venue is twenty miles each way. In addition it's pretty essential to hang around when there's no indication of discharge and you don't want to get caught halfway home and then have to turn round and retrace your steps!

So I'm off to plan out where my writing is going, both here, on Substack and with the ebook I've started. Then sort out my old Pinterest pages into something coherent.

Just a short job list eh?

Wish me luck!